Building a personal brand on LinkedIn is highly beneficial for your career, whether you are a full-time professional or a freelancer. It helps you in building an amazing professional network and even opens door to great career opportunities.
But growing your personal brand on LinkedIn is not as easy as it may look. You have to follow a couple of steps, keep certain things in mind, and understand the LinkedIn algorithm.
So after doing our research, we have come up with these hacks that will help you in making your personal brand on LinkedIn stronger:

🕹 Optimise Your Profile: To appear on the top searches on LinkedIn, you have to fill your profile with relevant keywords. Determine keywords that fit best for your profession and use them in your summary, job title, headline etc.
🕹 Keep Your Profile Up-to-Date: Your LinkedIn profile is just like your resume on social media. So do not forget to keep updating it with your current job, achievements, certifications etc.
🕹 Write a Powerful Description: Your profile description is where you can literally sell yourself. Write a highly impressive description talking about your skills, achievements, and ‘special’ qualities. Also, please refrain from using jargon and plagiarised content.
🕹 Use a Professional Profile Photo: Upload a crystal clear and unpixelated picture as your LinkedIn profile photo. Do not use a blur/unprofessional/selfie that gives an improper feel to your profile. But yes, do add your photo, it adds trust to your profile.
🕹 Upload an Appealing Cover Photo: Design a creative cover photo to make your profile stand out. You can add your company’s logo, or your own picture and be creative with it. This adds an extra element to your profile.
🕹 Post Consistently: Update posts on LinkedIn every day to increase the reach of your profile. Post content that is valuable, insightful, informative or interesting to the readers. Share about your experiences in professional life, your achievements, hardships, etc. This will garner the attention of your audience.
🕹 Engage with Your Connections: Posting consistently is not enough, you have to engage as well with the people. Add meaningful comments on their posts to get their attention, so that they come back to your profile and engage with your posts.
🕹 Add Follow Button: To make your personal brand stronger, not only you should have a higher number of connections, but the number of followers also play a great role. Add a follow button on your profile and you’ll see an increase in the number of followers in a short time.
🕹 Send Personalised Connection Requests: While sending connection requests, also add a personalised message having the name of that person. Write a brief note telling them about yourself and why you want to connect with them.

We hope you find these hacks useful.

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