Your resume got selected, you cleared other rounds of interviews, and now its time for the final round i.e. the personal interview. It is this interview that will decide your future with that company, hence you cannot take a chance to mess with it.

With growing competition, interviews happening over video calls, and a shift coming in hiring pattern, it is important that you go well prepared for the interview. Whether online or face-to-face, your interview should be on point.

To make it easy for you, we have listed a few mistakes that are generally made by freshers and how you can avoid them:

a) Don’t Go Unprepared: It is considered very unprofessional when the candidate fails to answer even basic questions like “have you checked the website of our company?”. Do your homework before heading for the interview. From homework, we do not mean that you learn answers for every question, but be aware of the basic information. It’s important to read about the company, its vision, services, job expectations etc.

b) Don’t Dress Unprofessionally: Because most of the interviews are happening over video these days, candidates take it casually and go for it in their casual clothes. It’s a big NO! So what if the interview is virtual, your first impression really matters. Dress appropriately and professionally.

c) Don’t Be Low on Energy: You might be feeling low or under-confident that particular day for some reason, but do not let the recruiter know about it. You have to. be highly enthusiastic and charged while giving the interview. Make eye contact, have a nice smile on your face, and look fresh and excited.

d) Don’t Make It All About Yourself: We understand that you have a lot to share about yourself and you want to impress the recruiter, but do not keep on talking about yourself only. It might make the recruiter annoyed. What he really wants to know is how you will add value to the organisation. So focus on telling them how you can help them with that.

e) Don’t Use Your Phone: This is again one major mistake that a lot of millennials make these days. In fact, keep your phone in your pocket only not even in your hands while entering the room. Until it is a very urgent call, do not receive calls while giving an interview.

f) Don’t Badmouth Your Previous Company: You are probably asked why are you looking for a job change or why did you leave your last job. A lot of job seekers start badmouthing their ex-company or boss on this question. Do not do this. This scares the recruiter that you can do the same to their company as well. Keep your answer subtle and positive.

We hope these tips help you.

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