Who all are using LinkedIn to hire new talent? A lot of you, right? Finding the right talent on LinkedIn can be difficult. The job postings are viewed by thousands of people and a result, finding the best talent becomes a tough job for the recruiter.

To ease this, the best way is to write job posts that catch the eye of the right candidates, saving the time and effort of the recruiter. Here’s a guide on how to write compelling LinkedIn posts that catch job seekers’ attention:

📌Don’t Use Same Templates: Do not use the standard job template every time. Job seekers have got bored of reading it everywhere. Of course, writing a custom post for every position takes way more time. However, it tends to attract better talent and generate good results.

📌Keep It Brief: Keeping in mind that at least half of LinkedIn users view postings from their mobile devices, concise descriptions are easier to read and, thus, they are more appealing. Also, since it takes time to read long posts, job-seekers might not even read them entirely and just apply even if the role is not suitable for them.

📌Include the Basic Information: Your post should include all basic information like a few words about the organisation, role, skills, and experience you are seeking, requirements an employee will have to fulfil, etc. Lastly, it is also good to make an encouraging call for action for the candidates by mentioning the perks of working in your organisation.

📌Don’t Focus on Requirements Only: Apart from your requirements, job seekers will be happy to learn how a particular role and company can benefit them. Thus, don’t hesitate to give them an idea of the growth opportunities offered by a specific position. To attract the best talent, you also have to show the best part of your company.

📌Choose the Right Tone: It is okay to move away a bit from the formal tone and reflect your company’s spirit. Still, you shouldn’t go overboard. Use a tone that is appealing but at the same time professional.

Hope you find the best talent after following these tips.

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