When we start a new job, we usually enjoy doing it. Even the challenges look exciting in a new job. But as we settle down, we start losing the excitement and find it hard to enjoy the work. But does that make us quit our job? No, because that is our source of bread and butter. Finding work that we are passionate about and enjoy doing the same throughout is easier said than done. Once we start facing challenges or if the work becomes monotonous, we often start hating it.

Do you genuinely love your job? These are some signs that will help you know if you really love it or not:

You Enjoy Your Work Time: While at work, you do not keep staring at the watch and wait for your office to get over. You enjoy being in the office and doing your work. You feel something missing when you don’t work.

⇒ You Plan to Win, Not Survive: When you love your job, you aim to grow higher and do better in it every day. But when you do not love it, you only wish to sail through it and not care to create an impact.

⇒ You Don’t Work Only for Money: When you are passionate about your job, your sole aim does not becomes earning money. You work to learn, grow, and add value to the business. You feel gratified at the end of the day.

You Measure Success With Satisfaction: If you love your work and put your heart and soul into it, you measure the success of it by how happy and satisfied you are with the work you do. Success does not lie in monetary terms only, it is beyond that for you.

You Don’t Hate Sunday Night: One of the biggest signs you hate your job is when you dread Sunday night. You hate thinking about Monday and getting back to work. While if you love your job, you look forward to it.

Well out of 5, if you agree with all the 5 signs, you madly love your work. If you agree to 2-5 signs, you like it but you are not that passionate about it. And if you agree to 0-1 sign, then it is an indication that maybe you should think of some other option.

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