First of all, what is career planning? It is basically strategising for your career after analysing your interests, strengths and weaknesses and coming up with a plan that best aligns with your career goals. Though it may seem like a one time process, but in reality, career planning is required at different stages of your life.

One cannot disagree how beneficial career planning is to move smoothly and efficiently towards our career goals. You must be aware of the direction you are moving in, in order to excel in it. Being clueless about your career plan will lead you directionless after a point, which will hamper your progress in your profession.

Now the million-dollar question is, how to plan your career? Don’t worry! We will help you out in planning your career, you just need to follow the following steps:

▶︎ Self Evaluate Yourself: The first step towards career planning is to analyse yourself. Analyse your area of interest, skills, strengths and weaknesses. You can go for a career assessment test on the internet. This will give you an idea about your professional area of interest.

▶︎ Research Career Options: Now that you have a fair understanding of yourself, explore career options that align with your skills and interests. See what skills, certifications, etc. are required to pursue those career options. Do thorough research on the internet about it.

▶︎ Do a Comparison: After you are done listing out the possible career options, do a comparative analysis of all the options and see which option fits your skills the best and figure out the most suitable career option that you want to go ahead with.

▶︎ Set Career Goals: You cannot move ahead without setting specific goals. Set achievable career goals to have that motivation to work hard and succeed. Make sure the goals are practically achievable. You can start small at the initial stage.

▶︎ Create an Action Plan: Draft a well-structured plan on how to move ahead, which will involve a plan on what skills you need to learn, how and where to apply for jobs, updating resume etc. This will give you a much-needed direction to proceed ahead.

And you are all set to go!

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