Formula to Take Wise Career Decisions

Life is full of choices. Some require little thought or reflection—like the choice of what to eat for dinner while others need serious brainstorming. When it comes to your career, you’ve likely already made several difficult choices in the past and will undoubtedly face many more. In order to make wise choices in your career, you must weigh the risks against the potential rewards and choose the best suitable option for you.

But don’t worry, we are sharing some tips with you to make the decision making process simple for you:

⭐️ Analyse Your Skills and Interests: This is the first and foremost step while making a career choice. Don’t just pick a career because you are good at it or it offers a fancy salary. Make sure you are fully interested in it.

⭐️ Take Risks: Don’t be scared of picking up a less popular career choice or taking any sort of risk. In fact, take the first-mover advantage by choosing a different career if that interests you. If you want to fulfil your dreams, you have to take risks.

⭐️ Set Goals for Yourself: Be highly passionate and aspirational to achieve your goals. Set milestones and take one step at a time. Do not blindly follow any goal, set proper achievable goals so that you can build a roadmap for your career.

⭐️ Keep Learning: Learning can be in the form of doing courses, taking internships etc. Do not miss out on any learning opportunity. You never know it all, there’s so much to learn out there, make the most of it.

⭐️ Don’t Be In a Rush: Anxiety and urgency almost always have a negative impact on decision-making. Don’t let a ticking clock push you into a choice you haven’t properly evaluated. Take your time and think peacefully which deciding your career.

⭐️ Trust Yourself: Trust in yourself, trust in others, trust in the Universe. Have a little faith that everything will work out well, whether or not the future looks exactly the way you had imagined it.

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How to Get Constructive Feedback from Your Manager

Asking your manager for feedback is an important part of growing and improving your career. But asking him to be honest about your shortcomings looks challenging; especially if when you do it for the first time. You feel hesitant and shy to initiate which makes the feedback process look difficult.

However, it’s not as difficult as it seems. Here’s how you can get constructive feedback from your manager without any challenges:

⇒Take the Lead: If your manager is busy, you initiate a Zoom call to take his feedback. Don’t shy away from making the first move. It is stupid of you to expect your boss to make the first move that too during his busy schedule. So keep aside your hesitation and ask away.

Specify the Aim: While requesting a meeting, specify the topics requiring feedback that will help your manager think over it in advance and share his opinion. Do not ask for vague feedback.

Keep Your Questions Ready: If you have doubts or want feedback on a particular topic, keep them ready before the feedback session. Don’t just listen, ask as well. This will help you better in focusing on your areas of improvement.

Be Prepared for the Criticism: Don’t be sad if you receive negative feedback. Analyze them from a pragmatic, not an emotional point of view. Do not expect his to say only good things about you.

Implement the Feedback in Your Work: Now that you have taken the feedback, do not ignore it. Try to implement all the changes he has suggested in your work so that it comes to his notice that you listened to his feedback and implemented it.

⇒ Make It an Ongoing Process: Do not stop after taking the feedback once. Keep it a continuous thing. Ask for feedback regularly after every project, or maybe monthly, whatever suits you the best.

It is observed that employees who effectively solicit feedback from management, and implement that criticism wisely, inevitably end up becoming the top performers in their fields. So we hope this posts helps you in asking for a feedback from your manager so that you grow and excel in your career!

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Why Do You Need ‘Me Time’ After Work

The demands of a modern day work life can be overwhelming. Running a business, working a job, taking care of a family, participating in social commitments, you have to be everywhere. But whatever your lifestyle demands, you need to ensure you don’t burn out.

Amidst your busy schedule, you have to take out time for yourself. You have to prioritise you well-being for once and give some ‘me time’ to yourself.

Still not convinced? No worries. Here are some benefits of ‘me time’ that will convince you enough to give some time to yourself:

Reduces Stress: Being constantly under pressure will increase your stress levels and eventually you burn out. Taking some time off will help you reduce your stress levels as you won’t be worrying about anything else and giving all the time to yourself.

Charges Your Brain: A break gives you time to self-introspect and analyse areas you need to work upon. It energises your tired brain and increases your productivity when you return back to work.

Improves Concentration: If you’ve been forcing yourself to focus on completing a task and you don’t seem to be getting anywhere then take a break. Doing something you enjoy will help you relax and not put your brain under so much pressure.

Allows Self-Discovery: Sometimes we get so busy in our lives that we forget about what we want and who we are. Me time allows us some deep thinking and much needed self-discovery.

Better Work-Life Balance: Understanding the importance of prioritising your well-being makes it easier to create a better work-life balance.  You learn to say no which allows you to manage the important things in life more effectively.

Greater Well-Being: Last but not the least, your mental health is at peace when you take care of yourself amidst your busy life. Taking time to have fun, relax or do something just for us improves our well-being and sense of self-worth.

Me time doesn’t necessarily mean doing something alone, it just means doing something you enjoy. This could be reading a book, going out for a coffee with friends or watching a movie with your partner.

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The Art of Cold Emailing

Are you tired of cold emailing but not getting any replies? We spend hours doing cold emailing to thousands of prospects, and barely getting a positive reply that can be converted into leads is surely disappointing.

Firstly, be prepared that cold emailing is like door-to-door sales where you have to be ready for a lot of rejections. Secondly, standard cold emailing will not lead you to responses. You have to be different and customised to catch the attention of the prospects.

But don’t worry, we have got you covered! Keep these tips to keep in mind to increase your chances of getting a response while cold emailing:

📩 Engaging Subject Line: Write an eye-catching subject line that the receiver is forced to open the mail. Add personalisation to it. Do not write a boring subject line like ‘Mail regarding job’ etc. The prospect will probably not even open your mail in that case.

📩 Custom Salutation: Do not write Dear Sir/Ma’m. Write their name for example Dear Mr John etc. This small gesture will add a positive impression to your mail. Also, make sure you are correct with the spelling and gender while addressing them.

📩 Short Body: Assume that the reader is busy, so do not write long emails talking about the company or yourself. Keep it crisp, engaging, and to the point. Do not write long paragraphs praising yourself or the prospect.

📩 Call-to-Action: Make sure your email has a CTA at the end. It should intrigue the reader to reply. Without any call-to-action, the prospect might get impressed with your mail but might not care to reply if he is busy.

📩 Don’t Copy Paste Templates: In order to save your time and effort, do not just send a standard template to all your prospects. Change the language of the mail every time you send it and add your human touch to it.

📩 Offer Value: Give before you ask. If you are expecting the prospect to convert into your client, first build that level of trust with him, and for that, you have to offer him advance value through your mails.

Short, highly personalised cold emails dedicated to a specific audience are a great way to start some new business relations and get more new hot leads for your company. And if you add a sequence of automated follow-ups, you’ll get a pretty powerful lead generation machine.

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Best Ideas to Strengthen Your Analytical Thinking Skills

Analytical thinking skills, just like any other skills, are natural to some but not innate to everyone. You must possess it to grow in the workplace. It is essential for gathering data, solving problems, making rational decisions, as well as executing well-thought-out projects. When you’re applying for a job, a lot of hiring managers look at your analytical skills to determine if you’re a good fit for the company. Clearly, this is a skill that every employee should gain and sharpen to climb the success ladder.

Best ways to build your analytical skills to improve your career and other aspects of your life:

📌 Read Books: The more you read and know different ideas, the more you’ll increase your own cognitive skills. But don’t read just for the heck of it, make sure you understand it. Read less at a time but read good content which adds to your knowledge.

📌 Listen to Podcasts: Subscribe to podcasts that are thought-provoking. They will help you enhance your mental capacity. Not everyone is a reader plus a lot of you must be having busy schedules. Podcasts are great for you as you can listen to them while driving, cooking, before sleeping etc.

📌 Play Brain Games: Don’t underestimate the power of brain games like Chess, Scrabble, etc. They are fun and makes your mind work faster. The best part is they are fun and do not require a lot of motivation to get started plus helps in serving the purpose.

📌 Ask Questions: Whenever you feel curious to know something, do not hesitate to ask about it. Curiosity drives us to be more intelligent and creative. Asking more questions builds better problem-solving skills, retention, and memory of a subject. 

📌 Observe Things/People Carefully: When you’re observant, you tend to notice more around you, and this sparks your critical thinking. You have no idea how much you can learn by just observing people and understanding their psychology.

📌 Exercise Daily: Do not underestimate the effectiveness of exercising every day. It is not only beneficial for your physical health but keeps your mind also fresh and active.

In today’s complex, turbulent and fast-changing world, constantly using analytical skills can help you be one step ahead of changes. Practise these methods and strengthen your analytical skills.

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Are you overworking at office?

Do you get this feeling that you are overburdened with work at the office? Or maybe you are doing more than required? Feeling overwhelmed at work is normal, but it should not take your physical and mental health after a limit.

Even if your work comes with individual responsibilities you have to excel at, being overworked is not the permanent solution to settle with. Unfortunately, some people rarely see it coming, and they only realize it when they already hamper their mental and physical health.

Here are some of the common physical signs of overworking that you should be aware of. Take note of the signs, and if you think you are getting these signs, its time you need to take a step:

Lack of Focus: If you are finding it difficult to focus on your work which is slowing down your productivity, it’s a sign that you are overworking. Lack of concentration on work often happens when there’s too much on your plate.

You are Forgetting Tasks: If you are frequently forgetting something or the other at work, again because you have too many things to take care of, it means you are overburdened with work. Forgetfulness is an early sign of overworking.

You are Always Tired: When you love your work, you enjoy it. But when you are forced to do it, that too a lot of it, you always feel low on energy, tired, and easily get irritated. In that case, you should take proper meals and do exercise or meditation.

You are Low on Motivation: When you are overworking, the drive to work passionately fades away with time. You feel low on energy and motivation all the time. In this case, you’re most likely to procrastinate. Besides this, you may also start getting late in delivering your work.

You are Usually Stressed: If you are always too stressed about the deadlines, execution, etc. take it as a sign of overworking. It reduces your energy level and decreases your efficiency at work.

You are Unable to Maintain Work & Personal Life Balance: You are having a hard time maintaining a balance between your professional and personal life. This is because you’re devoting most of your time to your work. Consider it as a sign of overworking.

If you are overworked, you will undoubtedly have a hard time reaching your career goals. Some will think that the more workload you have, the more you can do a lot of things. Please understand that reaching your career goal is beyond your hold because you are not growing, and the pressure of your heavy workload holds you back. It is not only your professional life that suffers from the effects of overworking. The relationship you have with your family and friends is also on the line. 

Therefore, as soon as you get the sign of overworking, you should take the charge and take necessary action to control the situation.

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