Dressing Tips at office After Pandemic

All set to return to office after almost an year? Must be an exciting feeling, right? Time to say goodbye to your comfy pandemic clothes and take your formals and masks out!

Make your comeback post pandemic with a pinch of style and plenty of comfort in your clothes. We are sharing some office dressing tips for you that will make you look stylish without compromising on comfort:

πŸ‘” Don’t Go Over the Top: We understand you are dressing formally after a long time so you must be excited about it, but keep it simple and subtle. Do not do too much accessorising.

πŸ‘” Be Comfortable: While dressing up, do not ignore the comfort factor. For example, do not wear very tight clothes. Don’t even go for too loose clothes that look very casual. Wear well-fitted stuff that is comfortable for you.

πŸ‘” Wear Classy Shirts: Make conscious decisions while picking your upper garment. Pick classy shirts as you might still have a lot of video meetings, so your dressing of upper body should be on point.

πŸ‘” Choose Comfortable Shoes: If your office allows, choose loafers over shoes. Wearing shoes for office after months can be discomforting and you might feel some pain in your legs. If your boss is cool enough, switch to loafers or sandals.

πŸ‘” Dress for Yourself: Do not dress to impress others, but dress for yourself. Do not ditch your personal style and comfort in order to impress others. Your personal style should always remain with you.

πŸ‘” Wear a Mask: Last but not the least, don’t forget to wear your mask. No matter how you dress or what you wear, do not forget to wear a mask. In fact, keep an extra mask with you in your bag.

We hope you enjoy dressing for office post pandemic.

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Is Taking Risk in Your Career Worth It?

Are you taking risks in your career? This is a very personal decision, while some fear to take risks, others do it fearlessly. It is assumed that risks are good only when they give high returns, but if we look from the broader perspective, risks that lead to failures also teaches us something valuable and make us more confident for the future.

According to the risk-takers, it is a great decision to take some risks in your career to achieve success. They have shared the top 5 reasons one should take risks in their career:

β‡’ Risks often lead to amazing unforeseen opportunities: Risks are often taken in a negative manner. But based on the experience of some highly successful professional, risks have led them to great heights which safe paths might not have done.

β‡’ Better chance to stand out: By taking risks, you build the confidence to stand out and perform things differently from the crowd. You can set an example for the rest of the crowd and get the advantage of taking the lead.

β‡’ High scope of learning: Even if you fail while taking risks, think that you learnt so much from taking that risk, which otherwise would not have been possible. Always try to find out the learnings from your failure rather than crying about it.

β‡’ Success doesn’t come easy: If your vision is high, do not expect success to come easy on your lap. You have to hustle and take risks in order to reach your goal. Do not expect you’ll rise by playing safe, to achieve big, you need to have the courage to take risks.

β‡’ You learn to overcome the fear of failure: By taking risks, you not only taste success but also learn to overcome the fear of failure, which is often a roadblock to success for a lot of people. Failure brings us the confidence and fearlessness to take bigger risks in life.

Taking risks doesn’t mean succeeding every time, and that’s absolutely fine! The process of taking risks may lead to failure, but even that can make us a better person by increasing the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties and by teaching valuable lessons. Failure makes us stronger and resilient. People who fail repeatedly develop persistence in the face of difficulties.

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How to Stay Motivated at Work

Are you feeling demotivated at work? It happens to every one of us! Motivation is not constant. Some days we are highly motivated while the other days we have zero motivation to do anything.

You feel demotivated when your work is monotonous, boring or not interesting. You stare at your laptop screen for hours but your level of productivity is super low. But lack of motivation is not good for your professional growth.

Don’t worry, we are here to help you with this. Here are some simple practices that you can do to stay motivated throughout:

☞ Understand Your Purpose: Have a clear vision of your career goals and know why you are doing that job. It will act as a constant source of motivation for you to put best efforts. Do not do your job just for the heck of earning money, have a goal and vision to accomplish.

☞ Reward Yourself: For accomplishing even small tasks, reward yourself with some self-pampering to stay motivated for work. Take yourself out for a movie or buy yourself shoes. Materialistic goals are not bad as far as they are keeping you motivated.

☞ Be Realistic: Don’t be hard on yourself by setting goals difficult to accomplish, this will in future make you even more demotivated. Hence, be realistic and set achievable goals to keep yourself going. Take one step at a time.

☞ Set Routine: Following a set schedule will keep you on track and make it easier for you to stay motivated and charged. Do not be casual and flexible with your work routine if you feel demotivated. This in turn will make your productivity even slower.

☞ Be Competitive: Having healthy competition with your peers and colleagues will act as a powerful tool to keep you motivated to do better every time. But make sure the competition does not fo unhealthy and toxic for you or your peers.

☞ Set a Quit Timer: Give yourself a time period to finish a particular task. For example, a content writer giving himself 1 hour to write one blog. This will make you more efficient and motivated to finish your work timely.

Do you what can set you apart from the rest of the crowd? Self-motivation! Nobody can motivate you better than you. Follow the above tips and see how smoothly you sail through the days you don’t feel like doing anything.

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Let’s Talk About Failure

We post about our wins on social media with so much excitement, but we shy from talking about our failures. We are scared people will judge us, laugh at us, and underestimate us. Failure is always seen from a negative view in our society. Right from school, when a child secures fewer marks in a subject, he is scolded and taught that failures don’t become successful in life.

But have you ever wondered that no success story is complete without hardships and failures? From that, we don’t mean that you cannot win without fail. But achieving success is not easy. And to reach the top, you have to go through multiple challenges and failures. It is painful but at the same time an integral part of our success.

With that being said, let’s talk about failures today. If you think you are failing, relax, we all do at some point, and it’s okay to fail. Here’s why:

☞ Failure Keeps Us Humble: Failure keeps us grounded and keeps our ego on track. You can notice that the best leaders are usually very humble because they have seen failures. Failures make us realise our limitations and foster humility in us.

☞ Failure Offers a New Perspective: After going through a failure, our perspective towards a lot of things change. We realise our shortcomings, mistakes, and learn a lot from them. It makes us better as a person.

☞ Failure Makes Us Bold: Once we overcome a failure, nothing can shake us. We become fearless and bold to face any challenge in life with full determination and spirit. It gives us the strength we all need in life to face further challenges with a positive attitude.

☞ Failure Teaches Us a Lot: Nothing can beat the knowledge and experience we get by facing challenges and failures. It brings us the practical knowledge that we can learn only through experiences, and not through books or courses.

☞ Failure Makes Us Patient: It is said that quick success is short-term. One cannot skip difficulties and failures if one has to reach the top, which is not easy. Failure makes us resilient and patient because we get to understand that success is not an overnight process.

All those that have experienced the true failure, and have bounced back from it, understand that failure in life is not a bad thing, rather necessary to be successful in the long run. The most successful people have been through failures. Ultimately, taking risks and facing challenges without fear is what makes us bold and powerful!

Here’s a famous quote by Robert T. Kiyosaki:

 β€œWinners are not afraid of losing. But losers are. Failure is part of the process of success. People who avoid failure also avoid success.” 

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101 Tips to Improve Your Public Speaking Skills

Someone rightly said, “Communication is the key”. Whether you are having a one-on-one conversation, or you are communication with a large group of people at a public platform, your communication can make or break the deal. You have to be a strong communicator to deliver your message and sell yourself to the audience.

While some of us have stage fear, some have confidence issues while addressing the public. This results in poor communication which might hamper our business or even if it is a normal speech, the audience will not be left with an impact if we do not communicate properly.

If you also fall in the above category, we have got you covered. Following are some tried and tested tips to improve your next speech in public:

β‡’ Plan Your Speech: Till the time you are not 100% confident, do not give your speech without any prior preparation. Write your speech well in advance, at least the key pointers for better performance.

β‡’ Practise in front of a Mirror: This is one of the best ways to slay your performance. Practise the speech as many times as you can in front of a mirror. This will make you much more confident and well-prepared for the speech.

β‡’ Don’t Read, Talk to the Audience: While giving the speech, think as if you are talking to your audience. Do not just read whatever you memorised. Try to engage with your audience so that they are interested in listening to you throughout your speech.

β‡’ Focus on Your Body Language: Your body language will give your audience subtle clues about your inner state. If you’re feeling nervous, or if you don’t believe in what you’re saying, the audience will know. Stand up straight, take deep breaths, look in the eyes of the audience, and smile wide.

β‡’ Maintain a Speed: Speech delivery is everything while giving a speech. Make sure you are neither too fast that the audience fails to understand you, nor too slow that they get bored or sleepy. Keep a balanced speed of your speech.

β‡’ Stay Calm: Regardless of the size of the audience or how big the platform is, do not freak out and stay calm and positive. Also, do not forget to keep a smiling face while giving your speech.

Yes we understand that you’re shy and nervous, but with these simple tips, you might even enjoy the talk yourself, and get over stage fear.

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How to be an Amazing Multitasker

If you are working, especially from your home, you have to be a multitasker. You have to manage both work and home at the same time. Even at work, there are multiple things that happen including your work, meetings, calls, and so on, and you have no option to miss out anything.

This can be stressful and overwhelming, and we might end up making mistakes. Now nobody likes making mistakes at the workplace right? Don’t worry, we have got you covered. Here are some tips you can follow to boost your multitasking skills:

πŸ“Œ Prioritise Your Tasks: Make a to-do list of all the tasks in the following sequence: Most Important, Important, Less Important and Least Important. Trust us when we say this, this will solve make things super sorted for you. You will understand in what order the tasks needs to be performed.

πŸ“Œ Be Focused: You cannot ace multitasking without full concentration. Keep your full focus on work till the time you do not finish it. Do not procrastinate especially if the deadline is coming soon.

πŸ“Œ Stay Away From Distractions: Cut out all the noise that is hindering you from focusing on your work. Use your phone as little as possible and do not waste your time on social media. Once you will stay away from the distractions, you will notice an improvement in your speed.

πŸ“Œ Take Short Breaks: The solution to multitasking is not to do all the work at a single stretch. Take small breaks after every hour and eat proper meals. Make sure you don’t exhaust your mind and body for the heck of finishing the work.

πŸ“Œ Plan Your Days Ahead: Once you learn to manage your work to some extent, start planning for further days well in advance. This will save your time and keep you prepared for the coming days.

πŸ“Œ Make Full Use of Technology: There’s no denying that technology has made a lot of things easier for us. Get hands-on tools that save your time and make you efficient like Google Calendar for setting reminders and planning your tasks etc.

πŸ“Œ Group Similar Tasks: Try if two similar tasks can be performed simultaneously. For example, you can reply to your emails on your phone while attending a boring office meeting. This saves time and effort.

On a concluding note,  improving your multitasking skills is the best way to manage your work and give the best results. You have to be a multitasker to survive in this fast-paced culture.

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