Overcome Burnout at Work With These Simple Tips

With global pandemic turning most of the jobs remotely, it has caused one serious concern: the work load has increased. At some jobs, employees are working even on weekends plus there is no fixed work timing.

In fact, in professions like marketing, advertising etc., it becomes really difficult for the employees to take a leave and go for a vacation. Their profession demands them to be active all the time.

If you also resonate with the above job life, don’t worry! We have got a solution for you. You can deal with the burnout with some easy and relaxing ways. Here’s how you can do it:

Go for a Staycation: If taking a long vacation seems difficult, you can go for a stay at a nice resort during a long weekend, or you can even take a small leave for that. It will be rejuvenating for your mind and body. During that time, keep yourself away from any office calls if possible.

☞ Find Your Escape: You need to figure out your stress buster. It can be a hobby, exercise or anything else. Once you know what makes you happy, take out time every day to practise that. Pick up an activity that is not done on a phone or laptop, pick a physical activity.

☞ Take a Coffee Break: Having a coffee in between your schedule is never a bad idea. Caffeine helps you stay fresh and active throughout the day. But make sure you do not get addicted to it, be careful about the caffeine intake,

☞ Speak to Someone: Whenever you feel overwhelmed with work, pick up your phone and call your best friend and pour your heart out. Do not stuff your agitation towards work in your heart. Speaking to someone about it will make you feel better.

Try to Make Your Work Interesting: We understand the monotony of your job but find out ways to make it a little fun or interesting. Search on the internet how you can make your regular work more enjoyable.

Change Your Workplace: Working from a fixed place might also make it dull and boring. Keep changing your workstation. You can even work from a co-working space or some cool cafes to make it fun.

☞ Take Proper Sleep: Do not underestimate a good sound sleep, especially while having work burnout. Make sure you take proper sleep at night, wake up timely in the morning, and stay fresh throughout the day.

Work burnout is surreal and it can cause emotional, mental as well as physical harm to you. So if you are also feeling the same, do not take it casually and follow the tips we have shared. You will surely feel better.

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Importance of Work Ethics in Career Progression

Firstly, what do you understand by work ethics? Work ethics are rules that should be carried out in an organisation by the employer and the employees to maintain a professional and positive company culture.

Are work ethics important? YES! You must have seen or heard employees being unethical in their organisation, which might tempt you also to do the same. But to save you from that blunder, we are here with this post.

How do work ethics help us grow in our career? Let’s find out:

High Reputation: When you are responsible, professional and ethical, you tend to gain a high amount of respect and trust from your organisation. Your confidence in your work reflects your ethical nature.

Emotional Security: When you are honest with your work, you are emotionally stable and confident about your work. You are not scared of your boss. While if you are not ethical, you always find ways of escaping from your boss.

Improved Performance: This is unsaid that by being professionally ethical, you will have improved performance and results. Results from being unethical cannot give you fruit in the long run.

Faster Growth: When you follow work ethics, you come to the notice of your employers. This leads to more support for your ideas and increased chances of leadership opportunities, which helps you to climb the corporate stairs more easily.

Role Model: Not only you do good to yourself, but you also inspire your juniors and team members to be ethical with their work. People look up to you because of this. There is no better feeling than inspiring people around.

☞ Smooth Work Process: Last but not the least, when your organisation follows work ethics, the flow of work is super smooth and effective. Issues get resolved quickly because of honesty, loyalty, and better understanding among the employees.

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Tips to Reduce Your Screen Time

Work from home must have increased your screen time right? Plus let’s not deny how much we all are addicted to using our phones and laptop all the time. Even while taking a break from work, most of us prefer checking out social media updates or replying to messages.

Increased screen time causes strain in the eyes, stress, headache and even mental issues. One cannot eliminate using a phone/laptop, but can surely minimise its usage. Here are some simple steps to follow to reduce your screen time:

🖥 Figure Out Where Your Screen Is Spent: Analyse and see what all apps are consuming your maximum time and see areas where you can easily make adjustments. Try to delete those apps for a while or set a daily usage limit on those apps.

🖥 Think About Which Work Tasks Can Be Done Without a Screen: You might be too dependant on your phone/laptop for some tasks that can be done manually. For example, making to-do lists. Trying to do such tasks manually.

🖥 Turn Off Notifications (During and After Work): Apps like WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat etc. can be very distracting and time-consuming. Turn off their notifications especially while you are working. Do not let them distract you from your work.

🖥 Schedule Screen-Free Breaks: During the workday, make a habit of taking screen breaks after every 40 minutes. Instead of jumping on social media or Google News, get up, physically move away from your computer, leaving your phone behind if possible.

🖥 Be Intentional About the Type of Content You Consume:
Consuming something calming can cut down on your stimulation even if you’re not eliminating screens entirely. Be very thoughtful about the kind of content you are consuming on the internet.

🖥 Do Something Else When Bored: Most of us scroll social media or watch some Netflix series while we are bored. Next time, try out your favourite hobby like dancing, reading, singing etc. using instead.

Start following these tips now and notice the difference.

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Start Value Mental Peace at Work

When you work hard at work, you often tend to forget about your mental health. Don’t think that getting ‘stressed’ and ‘anxious’ at work if normal. If you want to have a happy work life, you should take full care of your mental health and put that on priority.

No matter how busy you are, how hectic your office is, or how tough your job is, you have to make it a point to take care of your mental health. Make your mind quiet and reduce tension, even while working in a stressful work environment.

Now the million dollar question is, how to take care of your mental health at work? These are some simple tips to keep your mental health sorted:

📌 Be Calm: No matter how upset or stressed you feel at work, do not make that evident to your team. Stay relaxed and talk to everyone politely. If you behave calmly, your half of the mind and body automatically gets calm. Also, if you are peaceful at work, people around you will also be happier and calmer with you.

📌 Control Your Anger: If and when a colleague tries to annoy you or make you angry, do not burst out immediately. Take deep and slow breaths and calm yourself. Do not instantly show anger on others, it eventually destroys your mood also.

📌 Meditate: We understand that your schedule must be tiring, but make it a point to take out at least 20 minutes for meditation. Do not underestimate the power of meditation for your mental peace. It clears your mind and keeps you relaxed throughout the day.

📌 Take Action: If someone does wrong to you, do not suffer every time. Speak up for yourself and let everyone know that you are not wrong. Do not procrastinate or expect people to know the reality magically. You have to learn to speak up and take a stand for yourself.

📌 Choose Your People Wisely: Be careful whom you hang out with during your break time. They should be warm, positive and supportive. Having toxic people around also hampers your mental peace, so be very wise while choosing your office buddies.

📌 Have a Positive Mindset: Ultimately, your own mindset makes a big difference. If you are having negative energy in you, you will never be at peace. Hence, have a positive and happy attitude towards your work. Enjoy it more and crib about it less.

Start following these simple tips at your workplace and we assure you will feel better and happier at work.

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Why Your Business Needs a Copywriter

Do you want your online business to perform insanely well?

Guess what you need? A “COPYWRITER”

Yes, you heard that right! A lot of business owners think that hiring a copywriter is just a waste of money as anybody can write an article or a blog. But they are sadly mistaken. You need to be flair at writing, creativity, marketing, as well as search engine optimisation. Only a copywriter can perform all these roles together. Still not convinced? Let us explain to you:

🖊 They’ll Write Perfect Blogs & Articles: Writing marketing content is a ball game altogether. You need a copywriter to write blogs that will be SEO friendly with relevant keywords and information that will improve traffic on your website.

🖊 Experience Matters: If you write well does not necessarily mean you are a great copywriter. Copywriters know how to ‘hook’ the attention of the readers by using catchy headlines, trending topics etc.

🖊 High Return on Investment: Money spent on copywriters do not go to waste. You can easily cover their fee from the high returns they are able to bring by writing excellent copies for your website.

🖊 Structured Content: To grab the attention of a decent sophisticated audience, your content needs to be on point in terms of grammar, spellings and structure. A copywriter ensures all of it.

🖊 Creative Ideas: Copywriters not only excel in writing, but they also give you all the super cool and trending blog ideas that will work well for your business.

🖊 Social Media Understanding: Copywriters not only take care of blogs, brochures, newsletters etc, but they also help you in attracting the audience on social media by understanding and creating the ‘viral’ content.

We hope you found this helpful.

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A Guide to Plan Your Career

First of all, what is career planning? It is basically strategising for your career after analysing your interests, strengths and weaknesses and coming up with a plan that best aligns with your career goals. Though it may seem like a one time process, but in reality, career planning is required at different stages of your life.

One cannot disagree how beneficial career planning is to move smoothly and efficiently towards our career goals. You must be aware of the direction you are moving in, in order to excel in it. Being clueless about your career plan will lead you directionless after a point, which will hamper your progress in your profession.

Now the million-dollar question is, how to plan your career? Don’t worry! We will help you out in planning your career, you just need to follow the following steps:

▶︎ Self Evaluate Yourself: The first step towards career planning is to analyse yourself. Analyse your area of interest, skills, strengths and weaknesses. You can go for a career assessment test on the internet. This will give you an idea about your professional area of interest.

▶︎ Research Career Options: Now that you have a fair understanding of yourself, explore career options that align with your skills and interests. See what skills, certifications, etc. are required to pursue those career options. Do thorough research on the internet about it.

▶︎ Do a Comparison: After you are done listing out the possible career options, do a comparative analysis of all the options and see which option fits your skills the best and figure out the most suitable career option that you want to go ahead with.

▶︎ Set Career Goals: You cannot move ahead without setting specific goals. Set achievable career goals to have that motivation to work hard and succeed. Make sure the goals are practically achievable. You can start small at the initial stage.

▶︎ Create an Action Plan: Draft a well-structured plan on how to move ahead, which will involve a plan on what skills you need to learn, how and where to apply for jobs, updating resume etc. This will give you a much-needed direction to proceed ahead.

And you are all set to go!

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