Why Do You Need to be a Lifelong Learner

Never think that ‘you know it all’, never! No matter how skilled or experienced you become in your niche, no matter what position you hold, what salary you are paid or how much ‘perfect’ you are at work, never take that take a tole on your need for learning.

‘Learning’ is a never ending ongoing affair which has no end. You always have that scope to learn more and more and upskill yourself. We have seen people who start their careers with basic skills but they learn so much while working, that they rise and grow like how professionally as well as personally.

We cannot stress enough how much important it is to learn and upskill yourself. In case if you are still not convinced, the following are the topmost reasons to be a lifelong learner:

📌 Continous Upskilling: If you focus on learning, you will grow in so many aspects of your personal and professional life. Always remember, learning never goes to waste. It will help you in some way or the other. Also, the more you learn the more you earn!

📌 Better Opportunities: Being a lifelong learner opens door to so many amazing career opportunities as it makes you a better fit for so many roles. If you are passionate enough to grow and excel in your career, then you should focus on upskilling yourself.

📌 Personal Satisfaction: When you learn something new, it not only boosts your knowledge but also increases your level of personal satisfaction and confidence. By learning, you enter a zone of contentment that cannot be offered by anything else.

📌 Job Assurance: The global pandemic has taught us the importance of a job. It has made us realise how uncertain our job can be. Hence, if you know multiple skills, your job is more secured than others and even if you are fired, you have a scope of applying for multiple roles. Basically, you will not be jobless ever!

📌 Improved Quality of Life: Learning has benefits that are far beyond professional advancement. You tend to have a better quality of life if you are aware of different skills. You do not fit yourself in a box, but rather grow every day as a person.

Thanks to technology and online accessibility to so much of content, even if you cannot afford huge sum of money on learning new skills, you can go for free online courses, videos, and many more resourceful content to learn new things without spending money.

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Best Career Options for Extroverts

Are you an extrovert? Let us tell you that being extrovert is a skill and you can utilise it in your career as well. Extroverts have a great potential in careers which involve public dealing and communication.

Not only your education and experience play a role, but also the energy you bring to the table. Extroverts are a great fit for dynamic & energetic roles.

So if you are an extrovert looking for a career option, we have compiled the best career options suited for you:

☞ Sales Manager: The best salesperson are those who are excellent in communication and storytelling. Being an extrovert, you will find it really easy to communicate and convince people.

☞ Event Planner: Apart from being an extrovert, are you having a creative mind with superb organisational skills? Then you can definitely consider being an event planner.

☞ Life Coach: An introvert will find it difficult to mentor people. To coach people about their life, you need to have appealing communication and interpersonal skills. This is totally a ‘people’s person’ job.

☞ Public Relations Manager: As the name suggests, a PR Manager has to maintain relationships, network and socialise to maintain a positive image of their client/brand. An extrovert will be a perfect fit for this kind of job.

☞ Tour Guide: A tour guide has to give a ride and explain that place to the tourist. Along with that, he also has to make the tourists comfortable in an unknown city. If you have the stamina to walk a lot and love meeting new people, you can surely try this job.

☞ Human Resource Professional: An HR has to take care of the entire hiring process right from interviews to induction. The job demands good communication skills on a daily basis. Hence, an extrovert can surely consider this role.

An extrovert can slay all those jobs that are creative and proactive in nature rather than the regular desk jobs. We hope you found this list useful.

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Benefits of Remote Working

While global pandemic has turned everything digital, this has led to one major impact in the professional world. No points for guessing that people have switched to remote working after the lockdown was announced last year. While some companies called their employees back to office after the lockdown got lifted, a lot of them have given the employees the option to work from home itself as they saw no hinderance with remote working.

Thanks to technology and apps like Zoom, Slack etc. that have made coordination with team while remote working so easy. From taking interviews to hiring and getting on-board, everything has smoothly shifted to the virtual mode.

After almost a year’s observation on remote working, we have listed some amazing benefits offered by it which the regular office doesn’t offer:

🖥 Great Work-Life Balance: Since you are ‘working from home’, you are able to maintain a better balance between your work and personal life. You can devote time to work at the same time giving time to your family by sitting with them and working as well.

🖥 No Commute Stress: One of the biggest concerns employees had while working from the office (if they lived far away from the office) was daily travelling. A lot of them even spent a major chunk of their salary on the daily commute. Work from home saves you from that.

🖥 Location Flexibility: It is not mandatory to work from home, so you can even work from cool cafes or your friends’ place if they have a stable wifi connection.

🖥 No Geographical Constraints: From the job seekers point of view, remote working has given them an opportunity to apply for a job in any part of the world, without the need to shift there. This has opened door to better and wider opportunities.

🖥 More Flexibility: Employees have the flexibility to start and end their day as per their comfort, as far as the work is done on time. They can start their work day a little late also and end as per their convenience.

🖥 Pocket Friendly: Remote working is any day more lighter on the pocket in comparison to working from an office. You save on commute and so many miscellaneous expenses you make while going to an office.

🖥 Healthier Work-Life: You maintain a happy and healthy work-life both mentally and physically. You can take good care of your diet and health at home keeping you fit physically and mentally.

After reading all these benefits, who doesn’t want to enjoy working from home, right? So if you are reading this and working from home, take a minute to thank god for this privilege.

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Important Factors to Consider Before Saying Yes to a Job

Saying YES to a job offer ain’t an easy decision. Not only you have to think about the salary part, but there are other factors as well that need to be considered while signing a commitment with the organisation.

Here are the few things to consider before saying YES to a job:

🕹 Learn About the Company: Do research about the company by visiting company websites, talking to current company employees, contact the representative who conducted your interview, or talking to the company’s HR. Take feedback from previous employees or anyone you know working in that company. There are reviews written on numerous platforms as well, go through them.

🕹 Reflect On Your Priorities: Make a list of what you’re looking for in a company, a job and a career. Listing your priorities on a piece of paper usually helps you visualize the upcoming years at your new job. After you make this list, see how each offer is able to satisfy your needs and desires. Reviewing how much the job satisfies your goals is important.

🕹 Analyse Employment Package Offered: It is important to consider the salary and benefits offered by the employer. Carefully evaluate the salary being offered by the company, as well as the benefit offerings, such as health insurance, retirement plan etc. If you feel you are underpaid, you can think of trying somewhere else or negotiate with the HR.

🕹 Look at Future Prospects: See the possible growth opportunities in that job and organisation. If you see a great possibility of learning and upskilling then there is no harm is considering the offer. But if the offer is limiting your growth then you should consider better opportunities.

🕹 Ask for an Extension: Many companies ask you to make a decision about an offer within a week. But if you are not sure, consider asking companies for extensions. It gives you time to carefully evaluate the offer as well as negotiate the terms of the offer. Do not rush into saying yes without considering other opportunities.

Lastly, do not blindly follow what your friends or family have to say about the job offer. Ultimately, it is you who has to work there and not anybody else. Hence, make sure whatever decision you make, gives you complete satisfaction and happiness.

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How to Deal With a Bad Boss

We all dream of having an ideal boss who is supportive, empathetic, helps us grow, and makes us feel valued. But unfortunately, not everyone of us is blessed with an ideal boss. Some of us have to go through a ‘difficult boss’.

Also, it might be very easy for others to recommend to leave a job which has a bad boss, but it reality, where finding a job has become so difficult, it might not be a wise decision to leave a job for this reason. So what to do then? Well, in that case, you should know how to deal with your boss.

Here are some tips to keep in mind if you have a difficult boss:

📌 Know His Trigger Point: Identify what triggers your boss the most and be extra cautious that you do not make that mistake. Bosses with anger management issues are best dealt with if they are not triggered by things they get angry.

📌 Set Your Boundary: Keep a distance from your boss if he is short-tempered and doesn’t behave with you properly. Your effort to build a relationship with him might backfire on you. Hence, it is better to stay within your boundary and avoiding his misbehaviour.

📌 Don’t Hamper Your Work: No matter how much your boss’ attitude turns you off, do not let that affect your performance at work. No wonder, your performance might improve his behaviour towards you.

📌 Speak Up: A lot of employees often listen to all the scoldings from the boss just because the boss is in a higher position. But this approach rather gives the boss that confidence that the employee is wrong which is not always the case. Be confident enough to take your stand when you are right.

📌 Adapt to His Preferences: There might be places where you will disagree with his decisions or style of working, but do not argue with him over that, rather adapt to it. It might make you uneasy for a while but at least keep the boss satisfied.

If you are looking for a job change, make sure you do a research about your boss-to-be. Check out his social media profiles, see if anything is written about him on professional platforms, and if possible, speak to employees that have previously worked with him. Having a difficult boss can be toxic for your mental health and hamper your professional as well as personal life. Long story short, ‘if you can’t change the boss, change the boss.’!

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Copywriting vs Content Writing

If you are a part of the writing and marketing industry, especially if you have started out, you must have come across the term ‘copywriting.’ Often, a lot of you get confused between copywriting and content writing and consider it the same.
But mind you! There’s a substantial difference between the meaning of these two terms, and if you planning to pursue writing as your profession, you must know the difference between the two. From purpose to style of writing, both of them differ from each other.

Here are the key differences one should know between copywriting and content writing:

🖊 Purpose: The biggest difference between both of them is their purpose. Copywriting is basically selling or marketing the brand you are writing about. It is written such that it persuades the reader to buy that product/service. While content writing is written to deliver information about the brand. It does not aim to market it directly.

🖊 Process: Copywriting uses a faster process to convert its readers into buyers. It uses straightforward language to persuade its readers to buy the product whereas content writing is slow and indirect in this sense. It offers valuable information to its users so that with time, readers build trust on the brand and buy it.

🖊 Form: Copywriting is done in the form of ads, sales landing page, emails, taglines etc. whereas content writing is done in the form of blogs, articles, eBooks, and brochures.

To sum it up, copywriting sells while content writing educates. Although similar, but from the writer’s point of view, they are different forms of writing and to serve the purpose, one should know the difference.

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