Do You Love Your Job? Let’s Find It Out

When we start a new job, we usually enjoy doing it. Even the challenges look exciting in a new job. But as we settle down, we start losing the excitement and find it hard to enjoy the work. But does that make us quit our job? No, because that is our source of bread and butter. Finding work that we are passionate about and enjoy doing the same throughout is easier said than done. Once we start facing challenges or if the work becomes monotonous, we often start hating it.

Do you genuinely love your job? These are some signs that will help you know if you really love it or not:

You Enjoy Your Work Time: While at work, you do not keep staring at the watch and wait for your office to get over. You enjoy being in the office and doing your work. You feel something missing when you don’t work.

⇒ You Plan to Win, Not Survive: When you love your job, you aim to grow higher and do better in it every day. But when you do not love it, you only wish to sail through it and not care to create an impact.

⇒ You Don’t Work Only for Money: When you are passionate about your job, your sole aim does not becomes earning money. You work to learn, grow, and add value to the business. You feel gratified at the end of the day.

You Measure Success With Satisfaction: If you love your work and put your heart and soul into it, you measure the success of it by how happy and satisfied you are with the work you do. Success does not lie in monetary terms only, it is beyond that for you.

You Don’t Hate Sunday Night: One of the biggest signs you hate your job is when you dread Sunday night. You hate thinking about Monday and getting back to work. While if you love your job, you look forward to it.

Well out of 5, if you agree with all the 5 signs, you madly love your work. If you agree to 2-5 signs, you like it but you are not that passionate about it. And if you agree to 0-1 sign, then it is an indication that maybe you should think of some other option.

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How to Find Your Passion

“Go find your passion and follow it” is one advice we grow up listening. But finding our passion is easier said than done. Not everyone is blessed to already know what they are passionate about and follow their career in it.

While making a career move, you got two choices. Either you discover your passion and follow it, or you simply follow a suitable career option suggested by your friends, family or career counsellor. But generally, when you choose the latter option, you end up screwing your mental peace as you lack contentment in your job.

So the million-dollar question is, ‘how to your find passion’? . Well, it is not that difficult. Just follow the following tips and you will get to know what you are really passionate about:

📌 Ask Yourself “What do You Love Doing the Most”?. There must be some hobby or an activity that you enjoy doing. Think how you can convert that into your profession.

📌 Once you understand what you love doing, the next step is to figure out possibilities around your hobby/interest. Look for courses or degree if required, that will help you make your career in that area.

📌 Speak to people who are pursuing that career. This will give you an insight into the scope, struggles, and perks of that profession. You can take guidance from him on how to proceed ahead and know what things should be kept in mind. before pursuing that career.

📌 Practise and don’t stop doing it. Be consistent in honing your skills and learning more about them every day. No matter how difficult it seems initially, but only consistency will get you results.

📌 Do not be scared of failures or challenges. In fact, keep yourself mentally prepared for it. Challenges are a part of every success story so do not even think of quitting on it.

Now there might be a case that you even do not find your work passionate enough even after following the above steps. Don’t worry, start all over again. There is no harm at all in trying new things and exploring different options. It is much better to start late and then enjoy your work for the rest of your life than start early and then hate you job for lifetime.

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Rise in Freelancing After the Global Pandemic

Back in 2019, if someone said that he’s a freelancer, the questions that instantly popped into anybody’s mind were ‘do you get enough work?’ or ‘is the source of income even stable in this profession?’. But thanks to the global pandemic, it has drastically accelerated the growth of the freelance industry especially in the field of digital marketing, content writing, graphic designing, video editing, and developers.

As per the reports by Payoneer, here’s a list of the top 10 freelancer growth countries: 

1.   Philippines – 208%

2.   India – 160%

3.   Japan – 87%

4.   Australia – 86%

5.   Hong Kong – 79%

6.   Mexico – 72%

7.   Canada – 71%

8.   Pakistan – 69%

9.   Argentina – 66%

10. Spain – 66%

While many employees who lost their job during the pandemic moved to freelance as an alternate, similarly many companies who had to cut down costs preferred hiring freelancers on a project basis at a lower price. They are finding hiring freelancers a better alternative in terms of quality and costs. Looking at the above growth rate in freelancing, we can clearly call freelancing a respectable legitimate career option now.

With most of the industries adapting to remote working after the lockdown, freelancers have undeniably benefitted from this culture as they are well used to working from their homes. Companies can hire the best of talent on a freelance basis, without worrying about providing them office space, training, or fixed employee benefits.

Talking from an employees point of view, they prefer flexibility over rigid guidelines, diversity over fixed work & clients, and of course scope of a better pay scale. Freelancing has proved to be a boon for them.

The rise of the freelance industry was something that people expected will happen in the next 10-15 years, but the global pandemic made it happen in a few months only. Also clearly, this is not going to change. With digitalisation & remote working culture taking a lead, freelancers will be given preference in comparison to full-time employees in a lot of companies.

How to Write a Cover Letter to Make it More Worthy

Do you really need a COVER LETTER?

YES! A lot of job seekers do not understand the value of having a cover letter, and hence ignore attaching one while applying for a job. But that does not you make one standard cover letter and use it everywhere.

There’s a certain way to get the attention of the recruiter from your cover letter. Here’s how you should send a cover letter when applying for a role so that it adds value to your application:

📄 Build a Connection: There should be a connection between the resume and your cover letter. The letter serves as your ‘introduction’, and in some cases can present qualities and qualifications that don’t belong on the resume. Do not use one standard cover letter while applying for different job profiles, it gets clearly evident to the recruiter.

📄 Express Your Interest: A strong cover letter will express your genuine desire to do the work and apply yourself in a new environment. Mention your area of interest and your willingness to be a part of their team.

📄 Customise the Cover Letter: Just like you cannot use the same resume to apply for every opening, you cannot use the same cover letter. Consider including something you learned about the company that has prompted your interest. Make sure that the recruiter gets the impression that the cover letter is specially designed for their company.

📄 Make it Presentable: Make sure your cover letter is polished and presented in conjunction with your resume. Make sure the letter is error-free. Grammar and spelling are extremely important in your resume and cover letter.

So the next time you attach a cover letter while applying for a job, make sure you keep the above-mentioned pointers in mind.

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Hacks to Make Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn Stronger

Building a personal brand on LinkedIn is highly beneficial for your career, whether you are a full-time professional or a freelancer. It helps you in building an amazing professional network and even opens door to great career opportunities.
But growing your personal brand on LinkedIn is not as easy as it may look. You have to follow a couple of steps, keep certain things in mind, and understand the LinkedIn algorithm.
So after doing our research, we have come up with these hacks that will help you in making your personal brand on LinkedIn stronger:

🕹 Optimise Your Profile: To appear on the top searches on LinkedIn, you have to fill your profile with relevant keywords. Determine keywords that fit best for your profession and use them in your summary, job title, headline etc.
🕹 Keep Your Profile Up-to-Date: Your LinkedIn profile is just like your resume on social media. So do not forget to keep updating it with your current job, achievements, certifications etc.
🕹 Write a Powerful Description: Your profile description is where you can literally sell yourself. Write a highly impressive description talking about your skills, achievements, and ‘special’ qualities. Also, please refrain from using jargon and plagiarised content.
🕹 Use a Professional Profile Photo: Upload a crystal clear and unpixelated picture as your LinkedIn profile photo. Do not use a blur/unprofessional/selfie that gives an improper feel to your profile. But yes, do add your photo, it adds trust to your profile.
🕹 Upload an Appealing Cover Photo: Design a creative cover photo to make your profile stand out. You can add your company’s logo, or your own picture and be creative with it. This adds an extra element to your profile.
🕹 Post Consistently: Update posts on LinkedIn every day to increase the reach of your profile. Post content that is valuable, insightful, informative or interesting to the readers. Share about your experiences in professional life, your achievements, hardships, etc. This will garner the attention of your audience.
🕹 Engage with Your Connections: Posting consistently is not enough, you have to engage as well with the people. Add meaningful comments on their posts to get their attention, so that they come back to your profile and engage with your posts.
🕹 Add Follow Button: To make your personal brand stronger, not only you should have a higher number of connections, but the number of followers also play a great role. Add a follow button on your profile and you’ll see an increase in the number of followers in a short time.
🕹 Send Personalised Connection Requests: While sending connection requests, also add a personalised message having the name of that person. Write a brief note telling them about yourself and why you want to connect with them.

We hope you find these hacks useful.

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How to Write a Job Post on LinkedIn

Who all are using LinkedIn to hire new talent? A lot of you, right? Finding the right talent on LinkedIn can be difficult. The job postings are viewed by thousands of people and a result, finding the best talent becomes a tough job for the recruiter.

To ease this, the best way is to write job posts that catch the eye of the right candidates, saving the time and effort of the recruiter. Here’s a guide on how to write compelling LinkedIn posts that catch job seekers’ attention:

📌Don’t Use Same Templates: Do not use the standard job template every time. Job seekers have got bored of reading it everywhere. Of course, writing a custom post for every position takes way more time. However, it tends to attract better talent and generate good results.

📌Keep It Brief: Keeping in mind that at least half of LinkedIn users view postings from their mobile devices, concise descriptions are easier to read and, thus, they are more appealing. Also, since it takes time to read long posts, job-seekers might not even read them entirely and just apply even if the role is not suitable for them.

📌Include the Basic Information: Your post should include all basic information like a few words about the organisation, role, skills, and experience you are seeking, requirements an employee will have to fulfil, etc. Lastly, it is also good to make an encouraging call for action for the candidates by mentioning the perks of working in your organisation.

📌Don’t Focus on Requirements Only: Apart from your requirements, job seekers will be happy to learn how a particular role and company can benefit them. Thus, don’t hesitate to give them an idea of the growth opportunities offered by a specific position. To attract the best talent, you also have to show the best part of your company.

📌Choose the Right Tone: It is okay to move away a bit from the formal tone and reflect your company’s spirit. Still, you shouldn’t go overboard. Use a tone that is appealing but at the same time professional.

Hope you find the best talent after following these tips.

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