Back In Office after Lockdown? Keep These Tips in Mind

Are you back in the office at work? Now that a lot of offices have reopened and are adapting to the ‘new normal’, employees are earning to head back to the office. You must be feeling excited but nervous at the same time, right? After all, it is your revisit after the lockdown, and things are not the same anymore. From social distancing to personally sanitisation, everything has to be taken care of.

Also, we are sure there must be some habits you have adopted during the quarantine period that you want to get rid of before getting back to the office! The lockdown phase changed the entire dynamic of work and caused a lot of change in our lifestyle and daily routine.

Changing the routine will not be that easy, but for better performance and efficiency, you gotta work on it. This blog will help in how you can make a successful comeback to the office after the global pandemic:

Don’t Forget Your Workout: Lockdown gave you enough time to exercise. Do not let your office end that habit. Wake up early in the morning or spare some time after coming back from the office to do your regular workout.

Organise Your Sleep Cycle: Get back to the habit of waking up early and sleeping on time. Lockdown messed our sleep cycle as a lot of binge-watching happened at night plus since there was no travelling, people got up late. So start following that mantra of ‘early to bed early to rise..’.

Take Regular Meals: No matter how hectic your ‘getting back to the office’ is, take proper meals in the office. Try to carry food from your home so that you explore yourself less to outside food every day and carry all the meals with you so that in case if the cafeteria is closed, you do not starve.

Document Your Tasks: Getting back to the office might feel overwhelming. Make a list of duties and tasks. that you have to perform to ensure maximum productivity. A to-do list will save you from forgetting tasks and help in the completion of tasks on time.

▶︎ Ditch Laziness: Quarantine surely made everyone a couch potato. Being lazy at home was fine, but at the office, it will leave a bad impression. Time to get up and be active! So ditch your laziness by doing exercise, sleeping on time, and eating healthy food.

Hope to see you all happy and energetic getting back to work!

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Debunking Myths About “Future of Work”

The global pandemic has changed the entire dynamics of work, while it has bought some positive changes, there has been a negative impact as well. Many people are even scared about the certainty of their career and what is next to come but relax, do not let any sort of misinformation make you scared.

With so many changes happening in the working world, this article will debunk 5 major myths about the future of work:

🖥 Machines will dominate humans: Technology may take over the more menial tasks, but it also creates opportunities for employees to be more creative and innovative. According to a report by the World Economic Forum, though nearly 1million jobs will be lost, but another 1.75million could be created. And within those, there will be new skills opportunities. To ensure that the machines can be managed, we’ll need people with undeniably human skillsets.

🖥 Tech-related skills will be most important: Researchers agree that the skills that will be most required in the future are analytical or critical thinking and leadership. Also, the employee should be well-versed with technology. So yes, we surely recommend you to work on your analytical and technological skills to survive better in the future.

🖥 Remote working will stay: As per the following trends, work-from-home is going to be the ‘new normal’ in coming times as it is well adapted now, cost-efficient, and not hampering the performance of employees. A lot of businesses who did not even expect work-from-home success during the lockdown are getting great results from it. Plus, it also saves cost, space, and other expenses of the company.

🖥 The freelance industry will rise: After the global pandemic, employers find it safe hiring freelancers on a project basis. Their industry is going to boom in future. Hiring freelancers is a win-win situation for both the client and the freelancer. There’s a great potential for freelancers in the future.

🖥 Soft Skills Will Become Useless: With so much advancement in technology and remote working taking over office experience, there’s an assumption that soft skills will barely be considered important. But actually, the reality is the opposite. Emotional intelligence, leadership, team management, and communication skills will be given utmost importance.

Considering the above-mentioned myths, technology is surely going to advance but rather than creating any problems, it will make our life easy. Also, it is evident that upskilling yourself from time-to-time as per the changing trends will help in the long run.

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Most Important Soft Skills in Your CV

Technical skills can be taught but soft skills can’t be taught. Some of you might underrate soft skills but mind you, it can make or break a deal for you. While hiring, recruiters take notice of soft skills also and if you possess the soft skills they are looking for, it is an added advantage for you.

For every profession, different set of soft skills are important, but there are certain skills that every candidate should have. Here’s a list of them:

Communication: No matter whether you are in a technical or a non-technical industry, back-end or front-end, your communication skills can change the game. It is very important to possess the skill to communicate well with confidence.

Problem Solving: Companies are always willing to have candidates that are problem solvers and not problem creators. You must mention this skill in your resume to give a nice impression on the recruiter.

☞ Leadership: Nothing better for a company to have a candidate who takes the lead and shows initiative and enthusiasm. Great leaders always have an added advantage and better chances of growth. If you don’t have this skill, then you must learn it and add this to your resume.

Teamwork: It doesn’t matter if you are working remotely or not, any project requires a great amount of teamwork and collaboration for the smooth functioning of the project. This skill will give confidence to the recruiter that you can mix well with the team.

☞ Persistence: People these days lack patience. A person with perseverance and determination will go a long way. Adding this skill to your resume will help you stand out from the crowd of impatient job seekers.

Positive Attitude: Your attitude is what makes a difference. Employers want employees for their company who are happy and positive in the fast-paced office environment.

Hope you find this helpful.

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Beware of These 5 Job Interview Mistakes

Your resume got selected, you cleared other rounds of interviews, and now its time for the final round i.e. the personal interview. It is this interview that will decide your future with that company, hence you cannot take a chance to mess with it.

With growing competition, interviews happening over video calls, and a shift coming in hiring pattern, it is important that you go well prepared for the interview. Whether online or face-to-face, your interview should be on point.

To make it easy for you, we have listed a few mistakes that are generally made by freshers and how you can avoid them:

a) Don’t Go Unprepared: It is considered very unprofessional when the candidate fails to answer even basic questions like “have you checked the website of our company?”. Do your homework before heading for the interview. From homework, we do not mean that you learn answers for every question, but be aware of the basic information. It’s important to read about the company, its vision, services, job expectations etc.

b) Don’t Dress Unprofessionally: Because most of the interviews are happening over video these days, candidates take it casually and go for it in their casual clothes. It’s a big NO! So what if the interview is virtual, your first impression really matters. Dress appropriately and professionally.

c) Don’t Be Low on Energy: You might be feeling low or under-confident that particular day for some reason, but do not let the recruiter know about it. You have to. be highly enthusiastic and charged while giving the interview. Make eye contact, have a nice smile on your face, and look fresh and excited.

d) Don’t Make It All About Yourself: We understand that you have a lot to share about yourself and you want to impress the recruiter, but do not keep on talking about yourself only. It might make the recruiter annoyed. What he really wants to know is how you will add value to the organisation. So focus on telling them how you can help them with that.

e) Don’t Use Your Phone: This is again one major mistake that a lot of millennials make these days. In fact, keep your phone in your pocket only not even in your hands while entering the room. Until it is a very urgent call, do not receive calls while giving an interview.

f) Don’t Badmouth Your Previous Company: You are probably asked why are you looking for a job change or why did you leave your last job. A lot of job seekers start badmouthing their ex-company or boss on this question. Do not do this. This scares the recruiter that you can do the same to their company as well. Keep your answer subtle and positive.

We hope these tips help you.

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Struggling to Achieve ‘Virtual Teamwork’? Here’s How You Can Improve It

With everyone working remotely, guess what is one of the biggest challenges faced by companies?

Lack of Teamwork!

With barely any face-to-face communication, it has become difficult to build a relationship with team members. There are no more ‘cafeteria’ conversations, office parties, live events, etc. to develop better bonding with the team members.

But don’t let remote working hamper your team’s performance. Here’s what you can do from your end to improve teamwork while working virtually:

1) Invest in Good Communication Tools: To have a smooth hassle-free virtual connection, make sure you have proper setup applications which have basic features like great video conferencing, chatbox, scheduling app, document accessibility as so on. A well-organised communication setup will make the communication process effective and smooth.

2) Set & Track Team Members Goals: Set proper achievable goals for your team members and keep a track of their progress. Setting goals will help them keep their productivity on track. But make sure the targets are achievable and not too high for them.

3) Appreciate Your Team: During these tough times of social distancing, positivity and appreciation will keep the team members sail the boat without any demotivation. Understand that they are working hard from home and do not forget to acknowledge that.

4) Try Not to Make Meetings Boring: Let’s admit that Zoom meetings are much more boring than normal meetings. This can distract your team and they might not be attentive in the meeting if it gets boring. Put efforts to keep the meeting fun & interesting.

5) Be With Them: Last but not the least, give them the feeling that you are there for them to help and offer support in the best way possible. No matter you are working remote, you can still offer the mental support they need.

Start following these tips and notice the change!!

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Habits of Successful People

We often wonder, what habits made successful people so successful. After all, habits make the man! After doing our study, we realised that there are certain common habits, which almost all successful people follow. Not even kidding, they might look very simple, but their implementation in their lives have made a huge impact.

Want to know which habits we are talking about? Read them below:

📌 Step Out of Your Comfort Zone: Be open to opportunities that ask you to stretch every dimension of yours. It is then you actually grow and stand out of the crowd. No success story has been simple where people have achieved success sitting in their comfort zone. The best way to experience success is to push your limits and take risks.

📌 Be Aware Of Everything: From this we mean read, read and read. No matter how qualified or knowledgable you are, keep reading books, news, articles, and every informative piece of content possible. We noticed a trend that the more successful a person is, the more time he dedicates to reading every day. If you cannot ‘read’ a book, try audiobooks as an alternate.

📌 Sleep Well: It is rightly said that ‘early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise’. This one is a very underrated habit as millennials these days are generally night owls. But to make your brain function properly and stay active throughout the day, it is necessary to have a proper sleep of at least 7-8 hours. Although we have seen successful people who are night owls, they make sure they complete their 7 hours of sleep. See what works the best for you.

📌 Stay Fit: Modern-day successful entrepreneurs give equal importance to their fitness as well. They exercise and meditate to keep their body and mind healthy. This does not mean they spend hours in gym body-building, but just an hour a day doing basic exercises or jogging can also suffice.

📌 Network: The super successful people are constantly seen networking actively during events, social media, in fact, wherever possible. Regardless they are in the top position, they give immense importance to networking. Your professional circle talks a lot about you, do not underestimate its relevance.

📌 Learn From Your Mistakes: No success story is complete without hardships and failure. Successful people make mistakes, learn from them, and come up with bigger and better plans. If you are not failing then it simply means you are not trying. So do not get discouraged or heartbroken if you face challenges, but rather learn from them and think of a better plan.

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