Looking for a Job Change? Prepare Your Mind for these 5 Realities

With the service sector turning upside down after the global pandemic, the job search pattern has surely changed! So many people lost their job but not everyone got a better job after that. While some are still trying, some started upskilling themselves, some started looking for a change in a totally different field and what not.

If you are also looking for a job change, then you might be able to relate to the above lines. But hey, relax. Here are the few things you should mentally prepare for to keep yourself sane while job searching:

πŸ“Œ It May Take Longer: Now due to the global pandemic, the wait will be more than usual to find a new job but relax, you will find a job. Do not underestimate yourself or consider yourself lesser than others, it is just that the situation is not ideal.

πŸ“Œ You Need a Perfect Resume: With fewer job openings & more applicants, your resume should be customised as per the job requirement. Put more of the right keywords & have skills drawn directly from the company’s job description. Do not send a standard resume to all the companies, customise it according to the job description.

πŸ“Œ Excel at Video Interviews: With interviews happening on video calls, prepare accordingly. Also ensure good lighting, microphone, internet connection, etc. Do not take video interviews casually, rather take them even more seriously. That will be your first face-to-face interaction with them so make sure it goes perfect.

πŸ“Œ You Need to Stand Out: With such a high volume of resumes and interviewees for a single job, even the best and the most qualified candidates are hard to remember. Have a memorable competitive advantage to stand out. Keep upskilling yourself and learn new things everyday that you can add in your resume.

πŸ“Œ Be Patient of Slow Replies: Recruiters are overburdened so applicants must become more tolerant of the inevitable delays, while at the same time be persistent. Do not try to rush or push to the point where you aggravate your recruiter, this may make his annoyed.

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How to be a Good ‘Virtual Team Leader’

Being a leader ain’t easy, especially when your employees are working from home!

From a communication gap to understanding employee’s concerns, a leader has to deal with a lot of issues as there’s no face to face interaction happening. But don’t worry, if you anticipate the possible issues in advance and plan accordingly, the process will become efficient and smooth.

Here are the vital steps leaders should take to ensure successful, long-term remote working:

πŸ“Œ Build a Culture of Trust: Businesses should consider offering a flexible, remote workday schedule, outside the traditional 9-5. Trust your employees enough to make them feel comfortable. Do not be after them all the time and bother them with questions on their productivity, ability, and progress. Remote working has its own set of challenges and as a good leader, you have to trust your employees and their work.

πŸ“Œ Encourage exercise-related activities at work & home: Leaders should motivate employees to have an interest in doing physical activities like a workout, gaming, etc. Do not pester them for work, work, and work all the time. Along with work, it is equally important to take care of your body and being a leader, you must motivate self-care amongst your employees.

πŸ“Œ Offer virtual mental health assistance: Companies should offer mental therapy sessions if their employees feel stressed or anxious. Remote working has caused a lot of stress and anxiety amongst people, and if your company’s employees are also facing similar issues, it is your duty to ensure their mental well-being.

πŸ“Œ Expand staff healthcare support: Make your employees feel relieved by offering them healthcare facilities, insurance and assistance. Not only mental health but even physical health has also been hampered during the lockdown phase. A lot of health issues have risen during this phase. So offer them all the possible support in these tough times.

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Virtual Video Interview Adstify Search
Tips to Impress Your HR in Video Interview

Are you all set for your video conferencing interview?

With the global pandemic going on, companies have switched to video interviews that have stressed the job seekers. And mind you, don’t take it lightly because it is over video.

But relax, don’t even overstress about it, we are here to help you! Just keep in mind these few tips and you’ll be sorted:

πŸ“Œ Sit at a Perfect Place: Make sure to sit at a place with zero distractions, good lighting, a stable internet connection, and a clutter-free background. A poor internet connection, or low lighting, or a very noisy & cluttered background will leave a bad ‘first impression’ on the HR, so do not mess with it.

πŸ“Œ Follow Interview Etiquettes: Even though you’re not physically there, your body language visible through the laptop screen can say a lot about you. Sit up straight and maintain eye contact throughout the call. Bad postures or excessive hand gestures portray a non-sincere attitude. HR should feel as if you are giving the interview face-to-face.

πŸ“Œ Be Well Dressed: Your first impression matters, so dress professionally to stand out. It also adds to your confidence if you are dressed for the job. Do not even think of giving the interview in your comfy clothes. Also, make sure your hair is well combed, and maybe you can go for minimal make-up.

πŸ“Œ Be Confident: Video conferencing interviews are very different from in-person interviews and hence might make you feel nervous. Focus on your plus points and give yourself a positive pep talk. Do not get anxious or nervous during an interview.

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4 Easy Hacks to Write Appealing Cover Letter

Struggling to write an appealing cover letter?

Relax! These 4 easy hacks will make the task easier for you:

1️⃣ Address Appropriately: Do not write ‘To whom it may concern’. Show your initiative and add a personal touch by writing the designation of the person who is likely to receive it. Adding a personalisation leaves a good impression on the recruiter.

2️⃣ Use Keywords: Use relevant keywords in your Cover Letter but make sure you don’t over-stuff it with them. Using keywords in the right amount will garner the recruiter’s attention and will make your application rank higher.

3️⃣ Mention Contacts: If you have ever worked for the company or you know someone who works at the company then the first sentence of your letter is the perfect place to mention this. Adding references is never a bad idea.

4️⃣ Mention Relevant Skills: Your cover letter must emphasize your relevant strengths and talents. Take a look at the job description and make sure you have addressed all of the essential skills/qualities in your letter. Don’t forget to miss out on mentioning those skills.

Hope you found these hacks useful!

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Social Media Hacks to Find Your Dream Job

Are you looking for a great job opportunity?

Do you love social media?

If the answer is ‘YES’ to the above questions, let us share how you can utilise social media to get a job:

πŸ’» Choose the Right Social Media Platform: Decide which social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook etc. works best for your profile and create your account on it. Pick the platform which you are most comfortable with while using.

πŸ’» Choose Your Target Audience: You need to decide who should watch your content and create content according to them. Your target audience really makes a difference. It should ideally be people from your community plus HRs, entrepreneurs, founders etc.

πŸ’» Share Your Knowledge: Educate your target audience with your expertise, experience and knowledge. Create meaningful and interactive content. Also, make sure your content is creative, honest, and engaging.

πŸ’» Build Relationships: Treat your audience like your virtual family. Interact with them & build relationships, especially with founders, recruiters etc. Networking and relationship building will help you in so many unimaginable ways professionally as well as personally.

πŸ’» Be Consistent: Posting once in a while won’t help, post and engage regularly with your target audience. Consistency is the most important factor to remain in minds of your audience and create a long-lasting impact on them.

πŸ’» Don’t Get Demotivated: Social media might take a toll on your mental health. Don’t let criticism, hate or trolls affect your peace of mind. Hate and criticism is an inseparable part of your social media journey, so don’t take it personally.

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Must-Know Skills to Make Your Job Stable During Pandemic

With coronavirus turning the world upside down, these are the skills you need to adapt to increase your job security during uncertain times:

– Flexibility: Do not be rigid with your job profile, industry or working pattern. The global pandemic has changed the whole work culture leaving less scope to ‘say no’ to the job which we are not comfortable doing. Be flexible about the job as there are thousands of people after one job profile, so if you are getting an opportunity, do not say no to it.

– Adaptability: Be open to work in all sorts of situations. The easier you adopt you change, the better it will be. Do not be rigid working with set rules, but rather be open and adaptable to all the changes pandemic has caused.

– Innovation: Not only flexibility & adaptability but creativity is a really important skill in such a competitive world. To stand out from the crowd, you have to be highly creative and innovative. Try different things, step out of your comfort zone, and hone your creative side.

– Communication: Networking and communicating with the right people can give you some really amazing opportunities. If you are a good communicator, you have already won half of the game. Utilise social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram etc. to communicate and network with the right people.

– Learning: Be a life long learner. Always keep exploring, trying and learning new things. Up-skilling is the key to grow in this competitive world. No matter how much you have achieved, never stop learning new things.

While there are no guarantees, these skills will help you strengthen your position in your present company and enhance your skillset in case you need, or decide, to explore new opportunities.

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