Asking your manager for feedback is an important part of growing and improving your career. But asking him to be honest about your shortcomings looks challenging; especially if when you do it for the first time. You feel hesitant and shy to initiate which makes the feedback process look difficult.

However, it’s not as difficult as it seems. Here’s how you can get constructive feedback from your manager without any challenges:

⇒Take the Lead: If your manager is busy, you initiate a Zoom call to take his feedback. Don’t shy away from making the first move. It is stupid of you to expect your boss to make the first move that too during his busy schedule. So keep aside your hesitation and ask away.

Specify the Aim: While requesting a meeting, specify the topics requiring feedback that will help your manager think over it in advance and share his opinion. Do not ask for vague feedback.

Keep Your Questions Ready: If you have doubts or want feedback on a particular topic, keep them ready before the feedback session. Don’t just listen, ask as well. This will help you better in focusing on your areas of improvement.

Be Prepared for the Criticism: Don’t be sad if you receive negative feedback. Analyze them from a pragmatic, not an emotional point of view. Do not expect his to say only good things about you.

Implement the Feedback in Your Work: Now that you have taken the feedback, do not ignore it. Try to implement all the changes he has suggested in your work so that it comes to his notice that you listened to his feedback and implemented it.

⇒ Make It an Ongoing Process: Do not stop after taking the feedback once. Keep it a continuous thing. Ask for feedback regularly after every project, or maybe monthly, whatever suits you the best.

It is observed that employees who effectively solicit feedback from management, and implement that criticism wisely, inevitably end up becoming the top performers in their fields. So we hope this posts helps you in asking for a feedback from your manager so that you grow and excel in your career!

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