With coronavirus turning the world upside down, these are the skills you need to adapt to increase your job security during uncertain times:

– Flexibility: Do not be rigid with your job profile, industry or working pattern. The global pandemic has changed the whole work culture leaving less scope to ‘say no’ to the job which we are not comfortable doing. Be flexible about the job as there are thousands of people after one job profile, so if you are getting an opportunity, do not say no to it.

– Adaptability: Be open to work in all sorts of situations. The easier you adopt you change, the better it will be. Do not be rigid working with set rules, but rather be open and adaptable to all the changes pandemic has caused.

– Innovation: Not only flexibility & adaptability but creativity is a really important skill in such a competitive world. To stand out from the crowd, you have to be highly creative and innovative. Try different things, step out of your comfort zone, and hone your creative side.

– Communication: Networking and communicating with the right people can give you some really amazing opportunities. If you are a good communicator, you have already won half of the game. Utilise social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram etc. to communicate and network with the right people.

– Learning: Be a life long learner. Always keep exploring, trying and learning new things. Up-skilling is the key to grow in this competitive world. No matter how much you have achieved, never stop learning new things.

While there are no guarantees, these skills will help you strengthen your position in your present company and enhance your skillset in case you need, or decide, to explore new opportunities.

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