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Work from home which is our “new normal” is not so normal for a lot of us, right?
But at the same time we all know that remote working is the future, it is going to stay for long. So rather than cribbing about it, let us just embrace it and make the most of the leverage to work from our home.
Here are some tips that can make your ‘work from home’ life easier:

1) Plan a Routine: Work from home has surely messed up our schedules, but please don’t take working from home granted. Plan a proper routine for your office so that you work with a flow and give time to both work and personal life. Having a fixed routine also helps you not overdo or underdo your office work.

2) Make a To-Do List: Are you somebody who often forgets important tasks in between so many things happening at work and home? To-do list is a saviour for you then! Prepare a to-do list of your daily important tasks be it small or big, and cross it as you finish doing it. Design the list as per your comfort. The most important task can be kept as the highest priority and should be worked on first.

3) Exercise Everyday: The whole pattern of work from home has increased social isolation which has hugely affected mental health of employees to a great extent. To solve this, staying fit should be considered as the highest priority. Aregular exercise routine will not only keep you fit, but also proactive and fresh at work. It will boost your happiness, enjoyment and interest levels which are important for producing good results at work & life.

4) Take Breaks: Don not underestimate the power of breaks in your routine! Just like you take coffee breaks in office, take similar breaks at home also while working. Go for a ten minutes walk, or make a call to your friend, or take a snack break, but do take some rest.
Do not stress your mind by constantly sitting in one place for work. The stress can get hold of you anywhere. Move around and keep yourself active throughout the day.

5) Keep Communicating With Your Team: Regular interaction with the team members keep the work flow sane and keeps you connected with your office mates. So what you cannot meet each other, leverage social media and telephone and keep the communication going. Discuss with them about your work, new ideas, personal life,as normally as you used to do it at office. Do not let home become the wall between you and your team mates.

6) Don’t Take Stress: Make your home a ‘stress’free’ zone. It takes serious concentration to work a full-time job from an unconventional space. Your attention can drift apart, all the time. Stressing out can be harmful to both your mind and body. Your thinking capacity is slowed down because your brain cannot process properly in stress & anxiety.
To deal with this, keep calm and take proper care of yourself.

We hope these tips are helpful to all those who are working from home.

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